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Ready to Retire

Once you are ready to make the transition from active employee to retiree, you should contact your human resources (HR) advisor who will guide you through the retirement application process. Your HR advisor will answer your initial questions about the retirement process and help you decide if you should come in for a one-on-one counseling session. Your HR advisors can walk you through the retirement application, run benefit estimates, discuss benefit payment options with you, and answer your questions along the way. 

The following is a list of forms you will need to complete:

  • the retirement application; 
  • beneficiary forms for unexpended retirement plan contributions and life insurance proceeds, if applicable;
  • the Federal W-4P form;
  • the applicable state tax form if you live in the state of Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia;
  • health and life insurance forms;
  • the direct deposit form; and
  • any court documents, i.e., garnishment order, divorce decree, or qualified court order (QCO) that may impact your benefit payment. 

Retirement Quick Guide: How is My Retirement Application Processed?

  1. Once you submit your retirement application to your HR department, your agency will:
    • Review and certify your service history
    • Process your retirement action in PeopleSoft
  2. The Office of Pay and Retirement Services (OPRS) will:
    • Issue your final paycheck (Note: active employees are paid 2 weeks in arrears.) 
    • Complete an audit of your annual leave and, if applicable, issue a final payment to you for any unused annual leave. 
  3. Upon receipt of your application, DCRB will request your certified contribution history from OPRS.

  4. Once DCRB receives your completed retirement application and certified Individual Retirement Record (IRR), it will process your application and add you to the pension payroll. Retirement Application Process