The terms of the District of Columbia Police Officers and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan (the Plan) govern the benefits members are entitled to receive at retirement. Members who retired on or before June 30, 1997, receive benefits pursuant to Title XI of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, Pub. L. 105-33, as amended (the BBA). These benefits are funded by the Federal government and can only be amended by Congress (Federal Benefit Payment). Members who retire after June 30, 1997, receive benefits pursuant to the Police Officers, Firefighters, and Teachers Retirement Benefit Replacement Plan Act of 1998. The portion of these benefits based on service accrued after June 30, 1997, is funded by the District government and can be amended by the D.C. Council (District Benefit Payment).
View the document attached below for a summary of the service longevity compensation for Police Officers and Firefighters.