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In the event of a federal shutdown, member annuity payments and benefits will NOT be delayed or impacted. DCRB is open and ready to serve our members.
DCRB will remain open as usual and will continue to provide our members with full service during our normal business hours of 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

Actuarial Assumptions

On October 28, 2021, the District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) adopted actuarial assumptions to use in determining the amount of any benefit under the District of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Plan and the District of Columbia Police Officers and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan. As required by section 401(a)(25) of the Internal Revenue Code, the actuarial assumptions used to determine the amount of any benefit that is determined based on actuarial assumptions are stated below. Such benefits will not be subject to employer discretion.

Beginning October 1, 2021, the following assumptions shall be used:

Mortality Tables: The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Pub-2010 Mortality Tables and the SOA mortality improvement scale (Scale MP) available at each actuarial valuation date. Specifically, for the Teachers’ Retirement Plan, the Pub-2010 General Employee and Healthy Retiree table is used for healthy active and retired Plan members, and the Pub-2010 General Disabled Retiree table is used for Plan members retired for disability. For survivors, the Pub-2010 General Contingent Survivor table is used. For the Police Officers and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan, the Pub-2010 Public Safety Employee and Healthy Retiree table, set forward 1 year for males, is used for active and retired Plan members, and the Pub-2010 Public Safety Disabled Retiree table is used for Plan members retired for disability. For survivors, the Pub-2010 Public Safety Contingent Survivor table is used.

Investment Return/Discount Rate: 6.25% is used for both Plans.  

Payroll Growth Assumption: 4.25% is for active members.

Inflation/Cost of Living Adjustments for Post-Retirement Benefits Assumption: 3.00% for retired members.

Service Contact: 
Member Services Center
Contact Phone: 
(202) 343-3272
Contact Fax: 
(202) 566-5001
Contact TTY: