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District of Columbia Retirement Board

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Statements of Estimated Benefits

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DCRB is pleased to announce that Statements of Estimated Benefits (Statements) for active members of the District of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Plan and the District of Columbia Police Officers and Firefighters’ Retirement Plan were made available in the PeopleSoft Employee Self Service portal in October 2023. Now that the Benefit Statements are available online, DCRB will cease mailing hard copies to Plan members.

Members are instructed to contact their Human Resources Departments with questions about or corrections to the basic member information and service data reported in their Benefit Statement, which now includes a lifetime benefits estimate showing the real value of the member’s pension. Note that the actuary used July 1, 2023 data. 

Please be aware that some members did not receive a Benefit Statement due to the following:

  • The member had less than one year of service on or after July 1, 2022, and the Statement was based on PeopleSoft data as of July 1, 2023; or
  • There was an issue with the data used to compute the benefit, including but not limited to multiple terminations, rehires, suspensions, or large service gaps. These elements currently impact DCRB’s ability to estimate the true years of service under the Plan effectively.

Members who do not receive a Benefit Statement can use DCRB’s online Retirement Benefits Calculator to complete an estimate on their own. The link to the calculator is

These Benefit Statements are general estimates calculated using existing PeopleSoft data and current actuarial assumptions. Final calculations may differ from these estimates, and those are done at the time of retirement.

Please see the PDF link below for Frequently Asked Questions about the Statements of Estimated Benefits.