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Teachers' Retirement Workshop Slides

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Each year, the District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) hosts workshops for DCPS teachers who are either planning to retire now or who are interested in receiving information about the District of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Plan (the Teachers’ Plan or the Plan) for future use. In 2017, workshops were held on March 23 and 28. Teachers attending the workshops were welcomed by DCRB’s Board Chair, Joseph W. Clark and Interim Executive Director, Sheila Morgan-Johnson, Active Teacher Trustee, Nathan Saunders, WTU President, Elizabeth A. Davis, and CSO President, Aona Jefferson.

Following the welcomes and introductions, John Henderson of Voya Financial provided attendees with generic information about 403(b) plans. Next, a representative from the Social Security Administration’s public affairs office presented information on both Social Security and Medicare, which included eligibility requirements for those programs, how benefits are calculated, and tools available online.

The final portion of the program focused on the Teachers’ Plan. Sheila Reid, DCPS’s Coordinator, Benefits & Compensation, talked about eligibility to participate, how to calculate benefits, the types of retirement, service credit, and participation while working for a charter school. Johnetta Bond, DCRB’s Chief Benefits Officer, then discussed benefit payment options, survivor benefits, post-retirement health and life insurance benefits, and the process in place to apply for benefits under the Plan. 

Teachers' Plan members who were not able to attend the workshop may access copies of the presentation materials by opening the PDFs attached below.