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DCRB Self Service

January 19, 2023

Image of loginDCRB Self-Service

Over the past couple of years, the District of Columbia Retirement Board has been working with our partners at the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury) on an initiative that will add self-service functionality to Treasury’s System to Administer Retirement (STAR). We are pleased to advise you that we have completed Phase I of this project and members can begin accessing their information via Before members can access their information, they will need to complete the member validation and login process by creating an account with

What You Now Change and View with Self-Service:

  • Make changes to your address
  • Make changes to your contact phone numbers
  • Make changes to your direct deposit
  • Add emergency contacts
  • View general personal information, tax withholdings, benefit elections, and pension payment information

Please note that the changes you make to your information are in a live/real-time environment and will be applied to your official record.

Important Links

Accessing Self-Service  -

New and existing Id. me Login Assistance   -

ID. me Sites

Additional Help

As you navigate through the self-service application and have any questions about the navigation or functionality, please contact DCRB at (202) 343-3272 or 1-866-456-3272 or submit general inquiries here.