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District of Columbia Retirement Board

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DCRB Board Members

The DCRB Board of Trustees is currently composed of twelve members. Additionally, an Ex-Officio representative from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) attends regular Board meetings. The name of each member of the Board of Trustees links to their biography.

Board officer elections are typically held in February at an Open Board of Trustees meeting each year. The Board officers for calendar year 2023 are as follows:

  • Board Chair: Joseph Bress
  • Vice Chair/Secretary: Danny C. Gregg
  • Audit Committee Chair: Tracy S. Harris

Adam Weers, Council-Appointed Trustee
Joseph M. Bress, Council-Appointed Trustee
Lyle M. Blanchard, Council-Appointed Trustee
Joseph Clark, Mayor-Appointed Trustee
Mary A. Collins, Elected Retired Teacher Trustee
Nathan A.Saunders, Elected Active Teacher Trustee
Geoff Grambo, Elected Retired Firefighter Trustee
Tracy S. Harris, Mayor-Appointed Trustee
Greggory Pemberton, Elected Active Police Officer Trustee
Christopher Finelli, Elected Active Firefighter Trustee
Danny C. Gregg, Elected Retired Police Officer Trustee 
Carmen Pigler, Ex Officio Trustee
Vacant, Mayor-Appointed Trustee (Vacant)