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District of Columbia Retirement Board

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E.g., 07/27/2024
E.g., 07/27/2024

February 28, 2012: Letter to Mayor and DC Council Members pursuant to reporting requirements set forth in the "Prohibition of the Investment of Public Funds in Certain Companies Doing Business with the Government of Iran and Sudan Divestment Conformity Act of 2008." A list of all public


The District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) presents the results of the October 1, 2011, actuarial valuation of the District of Columbia Police Officers' and Firefighters’ Retirement Fund and the District of Columbia Teachers’ Retirement Fund (the “Funds”).


The District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) held an Open Board of Trustees Meeting on January 19, 2012. View the minutes from that meeting below.


Form W-4P is for U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or their estates who are recipients of pensions, annuities (including commercial annuities), and certain other deferred compensation. Use Form W-4P to tell payers the correct amount of federal income tax to withhold from your payment(s).


View the Quarterly Private Investments Summary as of September 30, 2011 here. 


Section 11013(b) of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, P.L. 105-33, codified at D.C.


View the Quarterly Fund Summary for 4Q2011 below.


The District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) held an Open Board of Trustees Meeting on December 15, 2011. View the minutes from that meeting by selecting the link below.


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